
Distant Energy Healing Healing – Absent Healing

Distant Energy Healing, also known as Absent Healing, is a way to receive energy healing without having to travel to see a practitioner. This works very well for people who cannot travel due to busy lives, distance, cost, illness, etc.

Many individuals do not understand distant healing or are extremely skeptical that distant healing can work.  All individuals are in fact all connected to the same universal energy source,

which flows through each one of us.

To try and explain it to the individual who is a skeptic, if you take the example of television, TV shows are broadcasted miles away from our homes, yet the waves travel thousands of miles from where the show is broadcasted and the show ends up on our television.  The general person does not see that energy nor does the lay person analyze it. We just know that energy waves can be sent over long distances.

So to simplify, the “sender” of energy healing directs the energy to the receiver and the “receiver” turns themselves on to receive it. The receiver receives the exact same benefits of treatment as they would by receiving the energy healing in person.

I put the “sender” and “receiver” in quotes. As the “sender” is actually the person who connects with the “receiver”. One doesn’t send energy but connects with the “receiver” and they become one. That is the ultimate in distant healing.

Distant Healing works so well with animals as it is non-invasive, painless, and stress-free.

Many times it may be necessary, even when visiting an animal in person, to offer healing without the use of touch. The animal may be in pain, may be anxious or aggressive (such as shelter animals due to their environment), etc.

Distant Healing, whether in person or from across the globe, can bring physical healing, comfort and/or peace, as the body, mind and soul work together for optimal well-being.


Visit our Services Page if you are interested in receiving Distant Absent Healing.



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