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Interested in Animal Energy Healing for your animal companion, livestock or wildlife in rehabilitation? I have written some short explanations for you about Energy Healing. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or email us at Casey@animalhealingsanctuary.com
In a nutshell, everything is made up of energy and that includes us and our animal companions. Humans and animals are comprised of electrochemical energy. This means we have an electrically operated nervous system in addition
to the chemical vascular muscular system. Due to the body being a biological system, the electrical signals vary in frequency and strength and will vary with the health and activity of the body/mind.
There are said to be seven bodies that make up the energy field/aura. They are the Physical, Etheric, Emotional or Astral, Mental, Intuitional, Monadic, and Divine or Spiritual. In life one picks up negative energy, fear, doubt, criticism, judgment etc. Each day the body is hit with different types of energy from many different sources. Energy healing helps one to release this negative energy and disrupts or alters the negative energy patterns and creates a flow of energy that provides optimal health and well being.
Reiki is a Japanese spiritual healing system which promotes healing and personal development. The system of Reiki was developed in the early 1900s by a Japanese man called Mikao Usui based on his personal experiences of working with the universal life force energy. The system of Reiki uses the Reiki precepts to guide one spiritually, meditations to access one’s inner power, hands-on healing or distant healing, shirushi (symbols) and jumon (mantras) to help balance, plus reiju and attunements as energetic blessings.
Integrated Energy Therapy® is an energy healing system that gets the “issues out of your tissues” for good. Developed at the Center of Being by Steven J. Thayer. It uses a violet angelic energy ray, formed by the nine Healing Angels of the Energy field, to integrate and work together with the 12-strand spiritual DNA. IET® clears energy blockages that are created through emotional crisis, stress, physical trauma, karma etc. It works to safely and gently release limiting energy patterns of the past, empower and balance life now and helps one to evolve into the future.
Healing with the Angels is just what it says it is. Energy healing that involves working with Angels.
It is working with Angels to learn what must be done in order to assist a client in healing the emotional, spiritual, or physical condition of the body that currently plagues the individual. At times specific Angels are called upon depending on the type of energy healing and areas of healing involved.
Healing with the Angels does not just include the physical body but may involve receiving guidance on how to make an important decision or choice that may alter the direction of one’s life. Healing may also focus on helping an individual to become free of habits that are self-destructive or maybe as easy as someone seeking help in learning how to forgive someone because they have been hurt deeply. Healing with the Angels can often make a huge difference in the quality of one’s life, allowing one to see options that were not readily available before and in general make it possible to see life and eternity with greater clarity.
Energy healing is a natural therapy that affects the entire body, physical, mental and emotional. Life affects animals too. Animals suffer from physical and emotional problems just as humans do. They are very sensitive to changes in energy and moods that affect their mental and emotional state. Whether the animal is wild, trying to survive, defend, mate and find food, or domestic – living in a household with an unnatural life style, strange noises, commotion, possible lack of exercise, diet issues, trying to feel safe or dealing with a previously experience of abuse, etc., energy healing helps their entire body system. Animals are extremely receptive to energy healing sessions. Animals understand and respond to non-invasive healing. If you have a horse and need some information on how to design a horse menage, For more information, visit https://horsemenageconstruction.co.uk/how-to-design-a-horse-menage/.
Provides healing on the following levels: Physical, Emotional, Behavioral, Situational and Spiritual
Works with conventional & holistic modalities without inducing stress or discomfort
Works on the cellular level relaxing the nervous system
Energy Healing reduces and/or eliminates pain, inflammation, stress, and anxiety. It may reduce symptoms associated with allergies, arthritis, chronic fatigue, to digestive ailments and symptoms associated with chronic illnesses.
Speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness
Reduces some of the side effects of drugs. Helps the body to adjust medicine/treatment after surgery or illness
Enhances the immune system function
Beneficial during pregnancy, labor, and delivery
Assists in helping process and move through emotional pain, grief/loss
Relationship dynamics can improve
Provides deep relaxation, comfort & peace.
Aides in better sleep
Bring spiritual clarity.
Increases focus
Improve self esteem and confidence
During end of life, energy healing enhances the overall quality of life while easing the transition through a reduction of associated stress and pain. It also assists caregivers through the grieving process.
For some specific animal situations:
For newly adopted animals provides a sense of comfort as they integrate into the household
In horses, helps to reduce and or relieve symptoms associated with lameness and cribbing
Reduce the impacts associated with anxiety and confinement due to kennel related stress. A major contributor to the spread, duration and severity of illnesses & behavioral which causes adoption challenges
Reduce aggression and assist animals who are extremely fearful, where the presence of other humans or animals can cause stress. Offers animals assistance in relaxation, provide a sense of security and emotional release, help them to become more accepting of humans, and other animals and their overall situations.
And more…
Energy healing brings the body into a balanced state
Energy Healing can be integrated with more conventional medicine to provide enhanced comfort care for your loved one. Hospice is a team oriented affair. It strives to make the journey to end of life as comfortable, peaceful and as dignified as possible.
How does one facilitate an experience of healing into death for the dying and their families? Energy healing used during illness can provide an opportunity for growth, assist in communicating love and understanding, and allow all to connect with the body, mind, and spirit. Finding conscious, compassionate emotional and spiritual support during a time of transition can be healing not only for the dying but the living. If you’re interested in more information about this topic, you can learn about how old do you have to be to use Wag.
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